Scholarship Application

QCNYS Scholarship:

The Quilters Consortium of NYS scholarship application period runs annually from October 1 to February 15. Applications are made online only. Winners are chosen by lottery at the March QCNYS meeting, and applications can be found on their website. The 2023 application is not currently available:  Application

Guild Scholarships:  

The Guild will award scholarships for the Guild year at the September meeting by random drawing. Applications must be brought to the September meeting or mailed to a Vice President for random selection during the meeting. Forms will also be available at the September meeting for completion and submission. Please see application form for details:

Scholarship application

Section 13: Scholarships

~The guild awards three to six scholarships each year at the September meeting.  Members may submit their names for the drawing to be held in September.  Scholarships are good for one year, from September to August and are not to be used for Towpath Guild workshops.  Winners are not eligible for the next year’s drawing.  To be eligible, winners must be in at least their second year of Guild membership and have served on a committee or been a Board member.  Winners must share their experience at a designated meeting/workshop no later than the September meeting of the following year.  Members pay for the class and the scholarship amount will be reimbursed by the treasurer.  The Vice-President or Co-Vice Presidents shall be responsible for overseeing this.  If a scholarship winner has not committed to using the funds allocated by January 1st, they relinquish them to the alternate.

The Co-Vice Presidents shall be responsible for overseeing the Scholarships.